Platform presentations at scientific meetings
- Balkau B, L'étude Egir-Risc (2004) L'étude EGIR-RISC: méthodes et objectifs. Réunion de l'ALFEDIAM, Nice, France, 23-27 Mars. Diabetes Metab 30: 1S34
- Balkau B, Mhamdi L, Mari A, Hills SA, Landucci L, Coppack SW, Dekker JM, Natali A, Walker M, Ferrannini E, Etude EGIR-RISC (2006). L'activité physique et la sensibilité à l'insuline. ALFEDIAM Mars, Paris. Diabetes Metab 32: 1S64
- Dekker JM, Kok A, Guillanneuf M, Balkau B, Coppack S, Walker M, Mari A, Kozakova M, Hills S, Natali A, Ferrannini E and the RISC Investigators (2006) Insulin sensitivity and fasting insulin: association with indicators of cardiovascular disease in healthy subjects. The RISC Study. (EASD: Copenhagen, Denmark) Diabetologia 49: A-342
- Mari A, Pacini G, Natali A, Balkau B, Dekker JM, Coppack S, Walker M, Ferrannini E and the RISC Investigators (2006) Pitfalls of the disposition index as an index of beta cell function. (EASD: Copenhagen, Denmark) Diabetologia 48: A-741
- Patel S, Flyvbjerg A, Frystyk J, Mari A, Walker M and the RISC Investigators (2006) The A-11426G and G-11391A promoter variants of the ACDC gene influence adiponectin levels in healthy subjects. (EASD Copenhagen, Denmark) Diabetologia 48: A-344
- Walker M, Patel S, Flyvbjerg A, Kozakova M, Frystyk J, Ibrahim IM, and the RISC Investigators (2006) Association between the C-11377G promoter variant of the ACDC gene and carotid intima media thickness in healthy subjects. (EASD Copenhagen, Denmark) Diabetologia 48: A-342
- Mari A, Tura A, Pacini G, Petrie J, Laakso M, Nolan J, Mitrakou A, Ferrannini E and the RISC Investigators (2007) Beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance involves distinct mechanisms which are differentially impaired in prediabetes. (EASD Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Diabetologia 50:S26